Friday, May 3, 2013

Why organizations connect online

So far this week we have looked into what people and organizations you should connect with online. We have focused on how these people and groups can help us in our future careers. However, today we are going to look into why organizations are on social media sites.

Organizations use social media with a goal in mind, just like us. In the end, their goal is very different from ours. Most of their online goals are accomplished through networking. Sound familiar? By connecting with the right organizations they will have access to the right customers. This is what allows their sales to increase and their brand to thrive. Below is and infographic from Red Giant Design that discusses how social media improves marketing efforts. It shows how many are using social media, why, and their potential success.

Social Media - The Road to Success - Infographic

As you continue your job search remember that companies are doing the same thing you are. They are positioning themselves so they connect with the best people and other organizations. In the end, connecting online can help push your career in the right direction.


  1. Online marketing is becoming the next big thing for both businesses and consumers. Do you think that LinkedIn will be the number one site that companies will go to look for future employees? Or do you think that businesses will stay with their traditional methods of searching (emails, phone conversations/interviews, etc)? Or a mixture of both?

    1. I am sure it will be (an already is) a mix of both looking at social media sites such a Facebook and LinkedIn as well as other "traditional" methods as e-mails and face-to-face interviews.

      However, social media sites have given employers an extra tool to gain information about you which they of course are using to their advantage. This is also why it is important to think about how you act on these sites, and if you act professionally you will most likely have an advantage that many other job seekers don't have
