Friday, April 19, 2013

Robin's first networking experience

This week we have blogged about networking. What it is, why it is important, and how do you do it. This blog post will be about my first and so far only networking event. I must admit that before the event I was quite skeptical. I am not skeptical anymore.

On February 19, 2013, I attended my first networking event. It was an event for Pacific Lutheran University alumni and chosen PLU students. Honestly, the reason behind going was another event that was happening before the networking event but never the less I am very glad I went and though I personally did not gain that many new contacts, I know some other students who did. One thing that I was very surprised about was the willingness of the alumni to come talk to us student who was a mix of feeling shy and insecure.

When I came home I had a few new contacts that I immediately added on LinkedIn but it was not only PLU alumni I added, it was only other students that I met at the networking event. So on that behalf I benefitted more than I had thought before I went.

I know there are several different kinds of networking events but I can only encourage everyone to go out there and increase your network - especially, college students who get the opportunity to talk to alumni. At least based on my experience alumni sincerely want to help you and that is an opportunity you all ought to exploit.

Before ending this week’s theme I will leave you with one last reason to network.

Networking is considered the most effective way of finding a job – particularly in challenging economic times. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70% of all jobs are found through networking. Through networking you can uncover job opportunities that might not yet – or never - be posted on job-sites, or create an opportunity that did not previously exist.

The information is taking from Yale College’s website:


  1. Great post! I agree very much. The Yale site is quite interesting and well done. I wonder if PLU career services has something similar to offer to students.

    1. I know PLU Career Connections have something similar. I have also connected with the alumni group on LinkedIn which on regular basic post new discussions as well as job opportunities and networking events. I am sure that if you as a student take your time to do some research you will quickly discover ways to improve and grow your professional network.
